By Elie T
January 1, 2024
Greetings to you all! I wish the best for the New Year!
-What is the importance of success and happiness, amidst all my occupations, pre-occupations?
-Do I live in the expectation of success and happiness?
-Is there a consistency in my life between my thoughts, words and deeds?
-What is the place and action of Love, Peace, Justice, in the world and in my daily life?
-Did I fight my doubts, worries, anguishes, anxieties, sentiment of culpability, fears, phobias and despairs?
-Did I ask God to help in times of difficulties and temptations?
-Did I do my best to flourish in my body, soul, mind, emotions... and to deepen my knowledge?
-Have I done everything I can to improve my financial situation?
-Was I afraid to fight, out of cowardice? If so… Why? For what?
-Did the concern for my peace or my selfishness overcome me?
-Am I loyal to my fellow creature? Do I help him/her as much as I can?
-Am I faithful?