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What is exemption meaning ? Fluency and Extent. Accuracy, elaboration. Vocabulary range, precision. Grammatical range and control. Pronunciation (phonetic). Comprehension. Avoid errors and mistakes.

What does Exemption means? How to obtain it? Que signifie Exemption ?


What does Exemption means? How to obtain it? Que signifie Exemption ? Comment l'obtenir ?

Are you aiming for an oral exemption? That's great!
There are 4 levels: A, B, C, E. Level X is zero.
Exemption means you will be exempt from the oral test, which takes place every 5 years.
Unless you've escaped it by being under the umbrella of: 
English essential, Non-imperative, Special cases, Learning retention, Resignation, etc.

By the way, what is the difference between levels C and E? Two things.

1) You will need to demonstrate better oral abilities in these following domains: 
* Fluency and Extent.
* Accuracy and elaboration. 
* Vocabulary range and precision.
* Grammatical range and control.
* Pronunciation (phonetic).
* Comprehension.
* Avoid errors and mistakes that do not interfere with communication.
* Etc. 

However, to get level E, there is more...
I know it, because I am a qualified PFL2 teacher, certified by the Canada School of Public Service.
And I've been teaching French to Canada's civil servants for over 12 years. We are in 2024

So know this: the evaluator who listens to you, in order to award you level E, has specific requirements;
in addition to those we have just outlined.

The interviewer will want to: 
1) Insure that you are more at ease with spoken French (more than level C). 
2) You are no longer translating in your subconscious. At least, not too much... 
3) That your speech reflexes are more natural (to speak as a native?)
4) Your language level is more sustained. Etc.
5) Plus, your evaluator wants to be certain that you won't forget language structures and functions 5 years later. 
Wants to make sure you will still be speaking just as well 5 years later. Will you regress or not?

You will therefore have to demonstrate all that during your test.

These points are acquired through intensive, strategic practice of oral interaction (oral expression).
However, they are also acquired with the help of Flashcards level C; and Flashcards for Expert.

That is why we are offering you free samples and paid samples of FlashCards regarding: 
False friends, Anglicisms (calque, word by word), Complex turns of phrase, Slang. 
Masculine or feminine? Idiomatic expression, Proverb, Homophone, Paronym, Homonym, 
Synonym, Homograph, Etc. Pitfalls and difficulties of the French language, etc.
NB: Use slang wisely and with discernment; you could lose your interlocutor.
To obtain FlashCards for Expert, go to our page: FlashCards.

We can help you obtain your exemption.

Our upcoming book will tell you more.
«Triple E. Your Exemptions are Near!»
Download the overview at our Home page.

You could be exempted for others reasons, read:



Que signifie Exemption ? Comment l'obtenir ? What does Exemption means? How to obtain it? 

Vous visez l'exemption à l'oral ? Très bien !
Il y a 4 niveaux : A, B, C, E. Le niveau zéro c'est X.
L'exemption signifie que vous serez exempté-e du test oral qui a lieu tous les 5 ans.
À moins que vous n’y ayez échappé en étant sous le parapluie de : 
Français essentiel, Non-impératif, Cas spéciaux, Le maintien des acquis, Résignation, etc.

Au fait, quelle est la différence entre les niveaux C et E ? Deux choses.

1) Vous devrez démonter une meilleure habileté orale dans les points suivants : 
* Maîtrise et étendue.
* Aisance et élaboration. 
* Étendue et précision du vocabulaire. 
* Étendue et maîtrise de la grammaire. 
* Prononciation.
* Compréhension.
* Éviter les erreurs et fautes qui dérangent la communication.
* Etc.

Toutefois, pour avoir le niveau E, il y a plus...
Je le sais, parce que je suis un enseignant du PFL2, qualifié, certifié par : l'École de la fonction publique du Canada.
Et j'enseigne le Français aux fonctionnaires du Canada depuis plus de 12 ans. Nous sommes en 2024.

Sachez donc ceci : l'évaluateur-trice qui vous écoute, pour vous octroyer le niveau E, a des exigences spécifiques ; outre celles que nous venons d'énoncer (en deux mots...)

L'intervieweur voudra : 
1) Constater que vous êtes plus à l'aise avec la langue française parlée (plus qu'un niveau C). 
2) Vous ne traduisez plus dans votre subconscient. Au moins, pas trop...
3) Que vos réflexes de paroles sont plus naturels (parler comme un-e natif-ve ?) 
4) Votre niveau langagier est plus soutenu. Etc.
5) De plus, votre évaluateur-trice veut être certain-e que vous n'oublierez pas d'importantes structures langagières et fonctions langagières dans 5 ans. Veut s'assurer que vous parlerez toujours aussi bien 5 années plus tard. 
Allez-vous régresser ou non ?

Vous devrez donc démontrer tout ça pendant votre test.

Ces points s'acquièrent lors de pratiques intensives et stratégiques de l'interaction orale (expression orale).
Toutefois, ils s'acquièrent aussi à l'aide de Cartes éclair niveau C ; et Cartes éclair pour Expert.

Voici pourquoi nous vous proposons des échantillons gratuits et payants de cartes éclair à propos de : 
Faux-amis, Anglicisme (calque, mot à mot), Tournure complexe, Argot (slang). Masculin ou Féminin ? 
Expression idiomatique, Proverbe, Homophone, Paronyme, Homonyme, Synonyme, Homographe, Etc. 
Pièges et difficultés de la langue française, etc. 
NB : Utilisez l’argot à bon escient et avec discernement ; vous pourriez perdre votre interlocuteur-trice.
Pour obtenir des Cartes éclair pour Expert, allez à notre page : FlashCards.

Nous pouvons vous aider à obtenir votre exemption.

Notre livre à venir vous en dira plus.
«Triple E. Vos Exemptions sont Proches !»
Télécharger la vue d'ensemble à notre page Accueil.

Vous pourriez être exempté-e pour d'autres raisons, lire :

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By Élie April 2, 2022 * Personalized free consulting service. * 1-on-1 French conversation in person or over the phone. * You succeed in your 3 tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption is near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
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Oral test. TCO.
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By December 3, 2021 * Offers personalized free consulting service. * Provides one-on-one French conversation in person or over the phone. * Helps you succeed in your 3 tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption is near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
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Reading comprehension.
Writing expression.
By October 20, 2021 * Offers personalized free consulting service. * Provides one-on-one French conversation in person or over the phone. * Helps you succeed in your three tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption are near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
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