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1) Best strategies for learning a language
* The ability to learn, memorize and recall can be improved when someone acts as if
he learns, memorizes easily, and recalls quickly. To think and act as if you already have a faculty developed at a high level, can help you develop that faculty. To think, believe, act and behave as if
you already have an excellent memory, can help you develop an excellent memory. This is true for memory and other brain activities.
But the opportune action must follow; to think and act.
Think and act as if you were learning a language easily. And you will learn it easily.
For instance, say to yourself, aloud or mentally: «I can learn French language easily and quickly.»
This is also true for other virtues, habits, and characters, you might want to develop.
When someone thinks and acts as if he/she is healthy, as if he has a flourishing intimate life, as if he is rich,
as if he has good human relations, it is possible to achieve these noble objectives faster.
But the opportune action must follow; to think and act.
To think and act as if you have Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith (fidelity, confidence), Gentleness, Self-control, can help beautify the soul. And thus, beautify the body, mind, emotions, sexuality, financial situation, human relation, etc. But the opportune action must follow; to think and act.
2) Natural products that help you (energy, strength, memory, stress, immune system, etc.)
Bee Pollen is an energizing food. Pollen contains all 20 amino acids (AA). 8 are essential (indispensable, necessary) for life and the good balance of the body and mind as well. The human body is unable to build those 8 amino acids; humans must therefore take them in their food.
Yet we know that the diet of our civilization might not provide all those 20 amino acids. Plus, some people don’t take time to nourish themselves properly, or don’t know how to eat properly. Pollen contains many vitamins and minerals. In association with the royal jelly, bee pollen is even more effective.
This other miracle products:
• Helps during pregnancy and breastfeeding
• Is useful during sports events (physical and mental energy)
• Improves memory
• Helps to study well and pass exams
• Fights overwork and neurasthenia
• Fights depression, stress, nervousness, and burnout
• Good during convalescence and growth
• Fights alcoholism and anorexia
• Helps to obtain and maintain good teeth
• Strengthens the immune system
• Fights infections and rickets
• Helps to overcome colitis and amoebic colitis
• Increases sex drive (male and female)
• Opens appetite
• Contributes to curing depression, impotence, and frigidity
• Helps to cure osteoarthritis and rheumatisms
• Strengthens nails and hair
• Fights smoking
• Fights eye strain (eye fatigue) caused by smoking and alcoholism
• Etc.
3) Health (body, soul, mind /spirit, emotions, sentiments)
What we just said in part one, can be applied here.
Practice self-suggestion. Autosuggestion means to suggest something to oneself.
Things that we say to ourselves aloud, softly or mentally, are rooted in our conscious and subconscious.
Auto-suggestion (self-suggestion) can help you learn, memorize and remember something easily.
For instance, say to yourself, aloud or mentally: «I have a healthy body, soul, spirit, and emotions.»
Remember: some diseases are psychosomatic.
4) Finances (financial freedom, financial liberty)
So; are you satisfied with your financial situation?
Take time and think about how you could improve it...
We have already mentioned that: The financial situation is important in the learning process.
When someone is free from financial problems, that person has more peace of mind and learns better.
Therefore, it is the duty of every human being to be financially free. Financial freedom also helps to have good health (body, soul, mind, emotions, sentiments), to have better human relations, to succeed, and to be happy.
We do not have any particular formula to make someone rich.
Our goal is to wake up the sleeping creator of wealth...
And later, to suggest some approaches to improve finances.
You are well aware of the old adage: "Money can’t buy happiness."
In fact, the truth is: "Money can contribute to happiness."
I can hear people saying: "I have enough money to live on. I don't want more."
All right. Let's see... Here's an exercise:
The test
* First of all: make a list of your main projects, worries, problems, concerns, desires, etc. You could add those of your loved ones as well.
* Then: underline or highlight the projects, worries, problems, concerns, and desires related to money (projects, worries, problems, concerns and desires that would be solved by money). For example: debts, purchases, health issues, housing, glasses, dentist, vacations, travel, gifts, etc. Take your time. But don't waste time. Again, time is money. Take it easy. Slowly, not quickly. Because this part of our conversation is crucial. You'll realize how much... Now that you have your list, what do you see?
Test result
You don't have to tell me. But that's not the most important thing.
The most important thing is that you have a list of your projects, worries, problems, concerns, and desires.
And that on the other hand, you have underlined or highlighted those related to money, those that could be solved by more money.
The following in the next chapter...
5) Human relations (how to have excellent human relations: Home, Work, Business, etc.)
Contact us and ask for our Course:
The Human Cultivation.
You will know more, in detail, about all what we present here:
1) Best strategies for learning a language
2) Natural products that help you (energy, strength, memory, stress, immune system, etc.)
3) Health (body, soul, spirit, emotions)
4) Finances (financial freedom)
5) Human relations (how to have excellent human relations: Home, Work, Business, etc.)
* Family relationships (wife and husband, parents and children)
* Professional relationships (work, company, business, etc.)
* Friendship (creating, developing, and maintaining it)
* Economy, politics, and religion (spirituality); take advantage of it.
Bye, ®