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Good day! You learn French? All right! Your exemptions are near... very near with:

1) Best strategies for learning a language
2) Natural products for (energy, strength, memory, stress, immune system, etc.)
3) Health (body, soul, mind / spirit, emotions, sentiments)
4) Finances (financial freedom, financial liberty)
5) Human relations (how to have excellent human relations: Home, Work, Business, etc.) ®
Join the conversation.


We're back with more useful sections for your personal and professional language success. 

1) Best strategies for learning a language
2) Natural products that help you (energy, strength, memory, stress, immune system, etc.)
3) Health (body, soul, spirit, emotions)
4) Finances (financial freedom)
5) Human relations (how to have excellent human relations: Home, Work, Business, etc.)

These conversation points will be the subject of an eBook.

Please share your comments and suggestions. Thank you!

Here are the dishes of the day. Read us from time to time to taste these wonders!

1) Best strategies for learning a language

3 language competencies; 3 levels: A, B, C.

As a Canadian public servant, you have three challenges: 
Reading comprehension, Writing (grammar), Oral expression.
You can meet them. In fact, if you have exams, you must meet them...

Reading comprehension is, according to some, the easiest test.
However, this test requires its own approach and strategy.
* Read a lot. While doing so, collect new terms: verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, idioms, etc. Memorize them. See the Flashcard technique.
* Read especially your CSPS texts. Also the website of your department, in your field.
* Read aloud to stimulate verbal and auditory memory.

Written expression (grammar) is more complex. 
Yet it is communicative grammar. Within your reach.
The most important part of your grammar, from level «x» to «exemption», is in your OFs (Training Objectives).
* Understand the grammar rules before you learn them. Memorize. To avoid blanks in memory.
* Do many exercises regularly, to cut your teeth...
* Practice the typical test exercises provided by your school, the CSPS.

Oral expression is the most difficult test. I agree.
However, it is possible to overcome it with winning methods and strategies.
* Speak the language regularly: teacher, family, friends, etc.
* Identify your mistakes. And erase them from your memory with the flash card technique.
* Memorize key phrases, complete with verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns, idioms, etc.

For the flashcard technique, visit our website:  

More in the next publication...

2) Natural products for (energy, strength, memory, stress, immune system, etc.)

Covid-19 is making its way. Two years already... We all need a strong and efficient immune system.
As we said, in our previous post, superfoods are natural products to increase your physical and mental strength: more energy, better memory, less stress, a strong immune system, etc.

Here is an effective superfood that we use. It works for many other people and us. These miracle foods will do you good. Being successful also means having the intellectual and physical energy to understand, learn, and memorize. Eat organic products. Talk to your health professional.

We will suggest other superfoods in future publications.

Royal Jelly (pure)

Royal Jelly is one of the most powerful rich foods.

Royal jelly is secreted by bees to feed the larva destined to become a queen. Royal jelly will feed that queen. She will live nearly 5 years and will lay about 5000 eggs per day in summer. While the other bees (workers and soldiers) will live only 5 weeks on average. This wonderful royal jelly can also provide you with longevity, fertility, and energy.

Royal jelly is rich in vitamins B1, B2, H. Its richness in growth hormones, vitamins and minerals, allows its use in human geriatrics (elderly people). It opens the appetite, brings a renewal of strength and improves memory, induces the production of testosterone, like the other products we will see.

In association with other energizing foods: red ginseng, pollen, kola nut, and brewer's yeast, royal jelly works miracles; its beneficial effects are reinforced. 500 milligrams of pure royal jelly per day is a good dose for an adult.

The rest, in the next publication...

3) Health (body, soul, mind / spirit, emotions, sentiments)

The previous superfoods will give you good health of body, soul, mind, emotions, and sentiments.
It helps to learn a language well. The body, soul, mind, and emotions are interconnected, interrelated. 
The health of one affects the others. With good health of the body, soul, mind, emotions, sentiments; you will understand, learn, memorize better. You will easily pass your exams. And you will succeed faster!

* Health of the body: Do sports regularly (better blood circulation, energy, better memory, etc.)
* The health of the soul: Cultivate your garden (virtues: Love, Peace, Justice, Faith, Joy...) 
* Health of the mind: Exercise your mind (your language classes, speed reading, Club Mensa, etc.)
* Health of the Emotions: Psychosomatic relaxation. Read good books. Watch good movies.

Avoid narcotics, smoking, excess alcohol, too much salt and sweets, etc. 
For: Better sleep, More energy, Better productivity.

Let's add this: Everything-or-almost-everything-is-connected; inter-connected...
Body, Soul, Spirit, and Emotions, are interrelated. To act on one is to act on the other. One helps the other. These reciprocal connections are true for the human body, but also for the whole universe. Do you see the interrelation? 

This interrelation also exists between: Health, Sexuality, Money, Human Relations, Politics, Economy, and Religion (spirituality). Therefore, do not neglect any part of these themes for the benefit of another. Each theme helps the development of the others. You must take this important remark into account, keep it in mind, in order to progress faster and reach your learning and personal life goals. Find your own rhythm...

4) Finances (financial freedom)

We have already mentioned that: The financial situation is important in the learning process. When someone is free from financial problems, that person has more peace of mind and learns better. Therefore, it is a duty for every human being to be financially free. Financial freedom also helps to have good health (body, soul, mind, emotions, sentiments), to have better human relations, to succeed, and to be happy.

We do not have any particular formula to make anyone rich. Our goal is to wake up the sleeping creator of wealth... And later, to suggest some approaches to improve finances.

You are well aware of the old adage: "Money can’t buy happiness."
In fact, the truth is: "Money can contribute to happiness."

I can hear people saying: "I have enough money to live on. I don't want more."

All right. Let's see... Here's an exercise:

The test

* First of all: make a list of your main projects, worries, problems, concerns, desires, etc. You could add those of your loved ones as well.
* Then: underline or highlight the projects, worries, problems, concerns, and desires related to money (projects, worries, problems, concerns, and desires that would be solved by money). For example: debts, purchases, health issues, housing, glasses, dentist, vacations, travel, gifts, etc. Take your time. But don't waste time. Again, time is money. Take it easy. Slowly not quickly. Because this part of our conversation is crucial. You'll realize how much... Now that you have your list, what do you see?

Test result

You don't have to tell me. But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you have a list of your projects, worries, problems, concerns, and desires. And on the other hand, you have underlined or highlighted those related to money, which would be solved by more money. 

The following in the next chapter...

5) Human relations (how to have excellent human relations: Home, Work, Business, etc.)

Once again, having good human relations can help to have good health of the body, soul, mind, emotions, and sentiments. The reciprocal is true. It means: to have the body, the soul, the mind, the emotions, the feelings in peace. That is to say: to be in good condition to understand, learn, and memorize. And to pass your 3 exams.

What are human relationships?

Quite simply: human relations are social relations; the way people interact and behave. Mastering human relations is very important because it leads to success and happiness. You can learn to have wonderful human relationships, in order to achieve many victories. We will suggest you some approaches. Apply these principles of human relations and avoid costly mistakes. You will congratulate yourself for doing so.

The factors of human relations are numerous. There are challenges in human relations. 

Human relations (interpersonal relations)

Here we enter an area that is both simple and complex, just like human nature and human culture.

Simple? Because human nature and human culture can be understood and improved, in order to live in peace and harmony with people. Whoever learns and applies its principles, develops good human and interpersonal relationships. This will open the doors to success and happiness. This is what we will talk about.

From experience, we know that those who apply these effective principles, persevere, in light of the virtues we will list, can harmonize their human relationships (interpersonal relationships). Not only human relationships but also:

* Health (body, soul, mind, emotions)
* Intimate life
* Financial situation
* And are more able to take advantage of the triad: economy, politics, religion (spirituality) 

Complex? Because many doubt their ability to be better creatures; and among those who make the decision to improve themselves, some do not have the best method to achieve it. Let's ask ourselves this simple question: «How are our human relationships?»

Dear friend, if you have read this far, it is because you have a burning desire to become better: To be more successful and happier. You are right. Believe that it is possible. "Everything is possible to the one who believes.” With motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence, and good approaches, it is possible. The best advice is to read and put into practice the effective, efficient methods you discover here.

In the next publications, we will see how to optimize the followings. In turn:

* Family relationships (wife and husband, parents, and children)
* Professional relationships (work, company, business, etc.)
* Friendship (creating, developing, and maintaining it)
* Economy, politics, and religion (spirituality); take advantage of it.

Have a nice day.


STO, société de transport de l'Outaouais.
STO, service du travail obligatoire.
By Elie T May 31, 2024
During the occupation of France by Nazi Germany, hundreds of thousands of French workers were requisitioned and transferred to Germany to participate in the German war effort. The STO was created on February 16, 1943, following the failure of the policy of voluntary work and liberation, which allowed 70,000 French workers to be present in Germany in 1942.
What is exemption meaning ? Learning French. PFL2. TCO. Oral
By Elie T March 26, 2024
You will need to demonstrate better oral abilities in these following domains: * Fluency and Extent. * Accuracy and elaboration. * Vocabulary range and precision. * Grammatical range and control. * Pronunciation (phonetic). * Comprehension. * Avoid errors and mistakes that do not interfere with communication. * Etc.
Happy new year! Another meaning of the new year... Beautiful palm trees. Island. beautiful landscape
By Elie T January 1, 2024
Greetings to you all! I wish the best for the New Year! -What is the importance of success and happiness, amidst all my occupations, pre-occupations? -Do I live in the expectation of success and happiness? -Is there a consistency in my life between my thoughts, words and deeds? -What is the place and action of Love, Peace, Justice, in the world and in my daily life? -Did I fight my doubts, worries, anguishes, anxieties, sentiment of culpability, fears, phobias and despairs? -Did I ask God to help in times of difficulties and temptations? -Did I do my best to flourish in my body, soul, mind, emotions... and to deepen my knowledge? -Have I done everything I can to improve my financial situation? -Was I afraid to fight, out of cowardice? If so… Why? For what? -Did the concern for my peace or my selfishness overcome me? -Am I loyal to my fellow creature? Do I help him/her as much as I can? -Am I faithful? -Etc.
Flashcards. Pass your 3 tests:
Reading Comprehension. 
Written Expression, Grammar.
Oral Expression.
By Elie T July 20, 2023
The Power of FlashCards with sound. Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemptions are near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
Beautiful palm trees. Beautiful Island.
A beautiful story : The Island of Virtues and Sentiments...
By Elie T February 2, 2023 * Offers personalized free consulting service. * Provides 1-on-1 French conversation in person or over the phone. * Helps you succeed in your 3 tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption is near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
Healthy food. Healthy fruit. Healthy vegetable.
Good health , Financial freedom, Human relations
By May 27, 2022
Learn a language well. Natural products. Good health (Body, Soul, Mind, Emotions). Financial freedom (financial liberty). Excellent human relations. * Offers personalized free consulting service. * Provides one-on-one French conversation in person or over the phone. * Helps you succeed in your three tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption is near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
By Élie April 2, 2022 * Personalized free consulting service. * 1-on-1 French conversation in person or over the phone. * You succeed in your 3 tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption is near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
French Oral TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption are near…
Reading comprehension.
Writing expression.
By October 20, 2021 * Offers personalized free consulting service. * Provides one-on-one French conversation in person or over the phone. * Helps you succeed in your three tests: Oral test. TCO. Levels A, B, C. Your exemption are near… Reading and comprehension. Writing expression (Grammar). By a qualified teacher, who is certified by: The Canada School of Public Service. Other than public servants are welcome! Take control of your French learning. Your French training is done quickly, efficiently. Learn French from the comfort of your home or elsewhere. Speak French fluently with your family, friends, colleagues. Our good service and your success! «C’est en parlant qu’on apprend à parler.» Practice is the best of all instructors...
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